Road to Lisbon.

With road maps for navigation, mixtapes for music & and a VW Camper “Westfalia” from 1989 we went on our road trip of approx. 3500 km (2175 miles) from Frankfurt to Lisbon.

For a 6-year-old child distance and time means nothing. It is measured by the feeling of hunger and daylight more than miles and hours. She doesn’t care about a final destination, much more she cares about the way. She focuses more on the moment, on an unknown bay in the north of Portugal or a white beach and cliffs at the north of Spain. And each moment can become the day’s destination. And each destination can become a new story of a great adventure.

Sometimes it’s good to see the world through her eyes. It reminds on the importance of the moment.
Through those special moments, we quickly turned into the camper lifestyle. We stopped wherever we felt like, jumped into the cold ocean and we cooked dinner right beside a beautiful sunset and the sound of the waves.
Thank’s again to Hanggtime for the camper, which brought us safely all the way down to Lisbon and has been a wonderful home for us. For more information about Hanggtime click the button below.