How the hell do they know?

How often did you ask yourself that question after clicking on certain websites where banners show up with exactly the offer you typed into search engines some days ago? Why is your email inbox filled with newsletters about Viagra and waxing? Well, that I should know 🙁

But, here comes a great explanation video from about how the data mining and people search industries operate, and what you can do to remove your name and personal data from the Web. The “MyPrivacy” software from helps you to remove your personal data from dozen of people search databases across the Internet.

The video production was done by Borracho Pictures and as they say, a big old Adobe-fest. Handcrafted vector icons from Illustrator, motiongraphy in After Effects and the sequences were assembled and edited in Adobe Premiere Pro.

No more email surprises in the morning? Let’s see …

BTW, you can take your private scan on their website. Only if you are located in the States. Yes, I thought the same but they say they don’t storage any of the found information.

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